How to deal with PMS?

Lifestyle changes

Several lifestyle factors seem to influence PMS symptoms:

  • Exercise

Try to be active for at least 30 minutes more often during the week. Even a daily walk around the neighborhood may ease gloomy, irritable, and anxious emotions.

  • Nutrition

Try not to give in to any PMS-related junk food cravings. Excess salt, fat, and sugar can have a negative impact on your mood. You don't have to eliminate them completely, but you should try to counteract them with whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in order to keep you satisfied throughout the day and avoid blood sugar swings, which can put you in a bad mood.

  • Sleep

If menstruation is many weeks away, not getting enough sleep can ruin your mood. So get seven to eight hours of sleep each night, especially in the days or weeks leading up to menstruation.

  • Stress

Uncontrolled stress can worsen mood swings, so practice yoga, meditation, or deep breathing techniques to relax your body and mind.

Natural remedies

Some vitamins may help with mood fluctuations caused by premenstrual syndrome:

  • Vitamin B-6 
It can be found in the following foods:
    • Fish.
    • Chicken and turkey.
    • Fruit.
    • Fortified cereals.

Vitamin B-6 can be found in supplements such as PMS gummies, which decrease the onset and severity of symptoms of this problem.

  • Calcium
It can be found in various foods, among them:
    • Milk.
    • Yogurt.
    • Cheese.
    • Leafy green vegetables.
    • Enriched cereal and orange juice.

If you want to learn more about PMS, we recommend you to visit Holief's website.